Saturday, January 05, 2008

Fence Row to Fence Row

Those words were a motto of the 1970's, when grain prices also peaked after the Nixon deal with the USSR. Apparently they may also be the motto of the 2000's, when ethanol spikes the grain prices. See this report from Ducks Unlimited on the land going out of Conservation Reserve Program and into crop production.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest Association response to the Farm Bill:

The National Association of County Office Employees (NASCOE) represents county Farm Service Agency employees across the country. I am a NASCOE member in your (state/district). I am writing to you with regard to the 2007 Farm Bill Conference Committee.

As Congress prepares for the upcoming 2007 Farm Bill Conference, I would like for you to contact Farm Bill conferees asking that they consider the following in the Conference deliberations:

1. Assign all conservation administrative duties to FSA.

2. If the permanent disaster program is included in the Farm Bill, please assure that FSA administers the disaster program.

3. Establish FSA as the sole agency for the collection of crop reporting data. USDA is currently paying administrative dollars to three different agencies (FSA, NASS and RMA) to collect this information.

4. Maintain the House passed FSA county office closure language.

5. Restore local FSA county office leasing authority.

6. The Senate passed bill contains language to modernize FSA information technology and communication systems. NASCOE is concerned that this language as drafted will not be sufficient to assure the goals of conferees.

We appreciate your consideration of our priorities for the Farm Bill Conference.

Again, thank you for all you do for FSA county employees

We are obvioulsy ready to take signup regardless what is offered. I only wish we were more active than reactive in changing our role.