Monday, January 26, 2009

France and US on Religion

Mr. Beauregard blogs on Sarkozy, the impending strike, and Obama--here's an excerpt:
Put in republican terms; Obama's inauguration speech was filled with religious leitmotifs. Unthinakble in France; Our conception of the republic is resolutely secular. The Republic is a bulwark against religion and the ravages of religion. In the States the Republic protects the Church from the ravages of the state. In the morning, French kids don't salute the flag or sing the national anthem. The French are not a patriotic lot. certainly chauvinistic but not as patriotic as the Americans - and all that shapes internal politics. An American will run the flag up at home, and tell you with a big smile and hand on heart that he or she believes in God. In France, you can be interned for such behaviour. The psycholgy shapes people and shapes politics.

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