Saturday, December 08, 2012

Before the Days of COLA

Back in 1950 Congressmen vied to introduce bills to raise civil service salaries.  That's documented in this Post look back at its Federal column from those days.

Also back in the day Congressmen vied to expand the coverage of Social Security and to improve its payments.

Finally back in the day Congressmen vied to enact tax cuts.

Clearly those times were different than now. How so?
  • we have 79 Congresswomen, rather than nine.
  • civil service salaries are indexed to inflation, removing the opportunity to pass regular salary increases as inflation raises prices.
  • Social Security is indexed to inflation, removing the opportunity to pass regular benefit increases as inflation raises prices.
  • income tax rates are indexed to inflation, removing the opportunity to pass regular tax cuts as inflation raises people to the next tax bracket and increases the take from income taxes.
Maybe, in consideration of the last 3, being a Representative is a less attractive job, which might explain the first item.

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